Considerations When Buying A Used Car

Posted on: 22 December 2015

Buying a new car is expensive, and you have to face the sad truth that your car will probably never be worth as much as the day you drive it off the lot. Buying a used car can help you to save money because your car will have already depreciated. On the other hand, you need to thoroughly inspect a used car to make sure that you get a good deal. Knowing what to look for will help you to get a good car for your money. 


Lemon, jalopy, money pit—names abound for cars that are plagued with problems. Certain models of cars are notoriously less reliable than others. Before you just go out and buy any used car, it makes sense to do some research on what brands and models of cars are considered the most reliable and then limit your search for a new car to just the brands that you can trust. 


Even when you buy a used car, you might not hold onto the car until it gives out. Thus, you have to consider the resale value of your car before you purchase. In order to get the most out of your car when it comes time to sell, you need to choose a car that holds onto its value better than other brands. 


Safety standards are always changing. If you buy an older car, you run the risk of putting yourself and/or your family in a car that will not keep you safe. Research which cars have the best safety ratings in order to make sure you get a car that you can trust. 

General Considerations

Even if you find a car that scores well in the above three categories, you still have to consider the kind of wear that the car has been subjected to. For example, cars from Utah are notorious for rust because the highway department in Utah uses salt on the roads to melt ice, and a side effect of salting roads is that it promotes rust. Cars that have been caught in a flood can also have problems. Be sure to inspect the undercarriage for rust and inside the fuel door and under the spare tire for signs of flood debris. 

Buying a used car might not be as straightforward as buying a new car, but if you are willing to put in a little research, you can still get a good deal. Brands like Nissan are a good place to start because they hold their value well, have high safety ratings, and have a good reputation for being reliable. For more about this topic, contact a dealership in your area.   
